Message from the Secretary of Education – March 19, 2020
March 19, 2020 Dear Colleague, Later today, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) will be announcing a cancellation of statewide assessments for the 2019-2020 school year. This cancellation includes the PSSA, PASA, and Keystone Exams. We understand that during these unprecedented circumstances, school communities across the state are[Read More...]
The updated PACTA 2019-2020 Calendar is available CLICK HERE to download your copy. Note: The following dates have been added to the calendar: Date and Location of Spring PIL sessions Date for Spring State Policy Seminar and Legislative Visits,[Read More...]
Message from the Secretary of Education – March 16, 2020
March 16, 2020 Good afternoon, The most recent COVID-19 School Closure Guidance and additional resources are available on our website: Our school guidance page includes information previously released on March 14 and March 15, as well as information on new topics. The next update will be released on Wednesday, March 18. Thank[Read More...]
Message from the Secretary of Education – March 6, 2020
March 6, 2020 Message from the Secretary of Education, It has certainly been an eventful few day across the commonwealth and nation as we all prepare and contemplate the potential impacts of the coronavirus in our personal and professional spaces. I know this has not been an easy time to[Read More...]
Message from the Secretary of Education – February 28, 2020
February 28, 2020 Message from the Secretary of Education, You are likely aware of the coronavirus, or COVID-19, that has become prevalent in other countries around the world. I’d like to provide an update of what has been done to prepare, in the event an outbreak occurs in[Read More...]
Message from the Secretary of Education – March 18, 2020
Good morning, As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, I want to take a moment to thank you and the dedicated members of your team for every aspect of response you have been engaged in related to the COVID-19 mitigation efforts as you support your staff, kids, and families[Read More...]
PACTA PIL: Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (Perkins V)
TARGET AUDIENCE: Administrative and Supervisory CTE Personnel DATE: Initial Session– September 20, 2019 TIME/LOCATION: TBA – On-line ACCOMMODATIONS: N/A PIL HOURS TO BE AWARDED: 30 DESCRIPTION: Because of the Strengthening Career and Technical Education Act for the 21st Century, July 2018, (known as Perkins V), career[Read More...]
Strategic Plan 2016-2020 – VISION 2020
The PACTA Strategic Plan 2016-2020, titled VISION 2020, is available. Please click the following link to download a copy. VISION 2020