2020 Summer Leadership Conference
Summer Leadership Conference Career and Technical Education: Leadership for Success July 30, 2020 Now Virtual! Strategic Leadership ●Leadership for Learning ●Community Leadership ●Systems Leadership Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Administrators in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Department of Education Program: Quality career and technical education is[Read More...]
PA School Reopening Task Force Report
As school districts draft plans to return students safely to their classrooms this fall, a new report offers a framework of insights drawn from the expertise of more than 150 representatives of several prominent Pennsylvania education associations. The report is the culmination of work that began in early May[Read More...]
Summer Leadership Conference Career and Technical Education:CANCELED
ON-SITE CONFERENCE CANCELED Summer Leadership Conference Career and Technical Education: Leadership for Success July 29-31, 2020 Nittany Lion Inn, State College Refunds will be granted Please contact Jackie Cullen at jackie@pacareertech.org or 717-761-3381 to request a refund PACTA will be offering a Virtual Leadership Conference July 29-30, 2020 Registration[Read More...]
Membership Meeting COVID-19
Membership Meeting Remember to preregister at the link below COVID-19 Update via Zoom April 27, 2020 1:00 PM Participants: PACTA Members Date: Monday, April 27, 2020 Time: 1:00 PM Participation Information: You must register in advance for this meeting at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYlcuCrrTwrHNf--Fih6xCl-7AFlo4IfKGS After registering, you[Read More...]
Message from the Secretary of Education – April 15, 2020
Colleague, It has been roughly four weeks since the COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented change to our school communities, including building closures, transitions to distance learning, and the cancellation of traditional year-end activities. Over that time, I’ve been moved by the tireless efforts of school leaders across the state to[Read More...]
Message from the Secretary of Education – April 10, 2020
Colleague, In an effort to help you navigate our commonwealth’s extended school closure, PDE is committed to providing you with ongoing information related your LEA’s operations. Today, we’ve made several updates to the guidance on our COVID-19 website related to: Professional employee evaluations for the 2019-2020 academic year Federal programs[Read More...]
Message from the Secretary of Education – April 9, 2020
Colleague, This morning, I issued an order under Act 13 of 2020 to close all public schools through the end of the 2019-2020 academic year, as defined by the local school calendar. Additionally, Governor Wolf is ordering all K-12 schools and programs, public and private, to be closed through the end of[Read More...]
COVID 19 School Closure FAQs & ACT 13
The following are links for updated Frequently Asked Questions from the P-GROUP related to school closure: COVID-19 School Closure FAQs ACT 13 FAQs 4-2-20. If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact Jackie at jackie@pacareertech.org or John at john@pacareertech.org . Stay safe and strong!
Message from the Secretary of Education – March 31, 2020
March 31, 2020 Dear Colleague, Yesterday, Governor Wolf announced that all schools will remain closed until further notice as we work to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health of all Pennsylvanians. We, at PDE, want to thank you for your patience, continued leadership and steadfast[Read More...]
Message from the Secretary of Education – March 27, 2020
March 27, 2020 Watch a video message from Secretary RiveraOpens In A New Window Colleague, The past few weeks have presented school communities with circumstances beyond imagination. With no precedent from our lifetimes to work from, you’ve overcome so much while continuing to serve students, staff, and families. Thank you[Read More...]
Message from the Secretary of Education – March 23, 2020
Dear Colleague, This afternoon (March 23, 2020), Governor Wolf will issue a stay-at-home order for seven counties in Pennsylvania (Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Monroe, Montgomery, and Philadelphia). Under Governor Wolf’s order, personnel at our educational entities in all 67 counties who are providing life-sustaining services, including, but not limited to:[Read More...]
Message from the Secretary of Education – March 20, 2020
Good afternoon, We just updated our School Closure Guidance page to include more information on a variety of important topics. School Closure Guidance and additional resources are available on our website: education.pa.gov/COVID19. Additionally, the following statement was issued last evening (March 19, 2020) to provide clarification regarding essential staff involved in meal preparation[Read More...]