Using the CTE Budgeting Process to Support Student Achievement

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TARGET AUDIENCE: Administrative and Supervisory CTE Personnel

DATES/LOCATIONS: November 13, 2023 – Hybrid Delivery Model


INSTRUCTOR: Clyde Hornberger


The CTE Budgeting Process to Support Student Achievement is a 30-hour PIL will be offered through synchronous online instruction and optional sessions, as needed. This PIL includes 14 hours of instruction and 16 hours of job-embedded assignments. The course content focuses on using student achievement goals to create the budget philosophy, program planning, performance accountability, phases of budgeting, effective use of fiscal (federal, state, and local) resources, budget management and internal controls and presenting the budget to the Board and member school districts. The roles and responsibilities of the CTE director, administrators, teachers, business administrators, and the superintendent of record in budget development and management will be discussed. Business administrators are encouraged to attend with their school’s administrator.

The culminating project includes the three job-embedded assignments. The assignments are essential elements of every school’s CTE operating budget: (1) Identify student achievement goals; (2) Analyze the school’s current budget and make recommendations for funding student achievement goals; and (3) Develop a document illustrating the impact of funding student achievement goals through the general fund budget (functions and objects). Participants will deliver a brief presentation during the report-out session summarizing their priorities and budgetary changes designed to improve student achievement.

How to Enroll in PIL Courses and Programs

  • To register online, LOGIN and click on “Event List” to find the PIL of your choice.
  • You may complete a PDF registration form by clicking on the link above.

Mail the downloaded registration form with a check made payable to PACTA to:

PO Box 243
Harrisburg, PA 17108-0243

Telephone: (717) 761-3381 •

NOTE: Participants from PACTA Institutional Member Schools receive a 10% discount. If you are not sure if your school is an institutional member of PACTA, contact Lori Bell at (717) 761-3381 or

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