Using Advocacy to Support Student Achievement

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TARGET AUDIENCE: Directors and Assistant Directors

DATES/LOCATIONS: November 15, 2023 – Hybrid Delivery Model




The Using Advocacy to Support Student Achievement is a 30-hour PIL based on the Framework for Leadership Domain, the practice of “proactively developing relationships with parents/guardians and community stakeholders to engage them in student learning so as to develop goodwill and to garner fiscal, intellectual, and human resources that support specific aspects of the school’s learning agenda.” It includes 6 hours of prerecorded presentations and 24 hours of job embedded assignments. This will be accomplished by promoting the positive student achievement outcomes achieved in participants’ schools that ensure success in post-secondary education and in employment. In addition, participants will learn how to better communicate with community stakeholders, including legislative leaders at the local, state, and national level, and advocate for career and technical education, which is the core of PIL Corollary Standard V.

There are three sections: (1) Using student achievement data in public relations documents; (2) Presenting to an external community organization to gain goodwill and garner support for career and technical education; and (3) Meeting with a local, state, or federal legislative member and lobbying in support of funding for career and technical education.

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