Supporting Special Education in CTE

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TARGET AUDIENCE: Administrative and Supervisory CTE Personnel

DATES/LOCATIONS: November 11, 2024 – Online Synchronous


A career and technical education (CTE) administrator needs to have a comprehensive understanding of
special education to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities, have equitable
access to CTE programs and opportunities for success. By prioritizing these areas of knowledge and
practice in this PIL, CTE administrators will create more inclusive and supportive learning
environments that empower students with disabilities to achieve their academic and career goals.
This program will focus on key aspects of special education that promote student success:
Course Design and Participant Requirements

This 40-hour course includes 16 hours of theory and 24 hours of job-embedded assignments. The 16
hours of theory will be divided into four-hour, online sessions with synchronous instruction
composed of theory, case studies, speakers, and practitioners from the field of career and
technical education. It will include a pre-test and post-test of participants’ knowledge before and
after the course, three job embedded assignments, and a culminating project presentation.
Participants are required to attend all sessions, complete all job embedded assignments, the
culminating project and course evaluation to the level of “Complete.”
The course includes 16 hours in 4 theory modules: (1) theory of special education laws; (2)
differentiated instruction strategies and the UDL framework to cater to diverse learning needs; (3)
building a partnership with special education staff through effective communication and co-teaching
models; (4) using diverse assessment tools and strategies to monitor and report student progress.
There are three job embedded assignments: (1) Conduct an audit of a CTE classroom to evaluate its
inclusiveness and accessibility for special education students. Identify areas for improvement and
develop an action plan. (2) Collaborate with CTE teacher(s) and special education staff, if
available, to design and implement a differentiated instruction strategy in a CTE classroom. (3)
Collaborate with special education staff to create a support plan for a CTE student with special
needs or for an approved CTE program with special needs participants. Implement the plan and review
its effectiveness.

Administrators will gain skill and evidence for components of the Framework for Leadership in
Domains 1a,
1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2g, 3a, 3, 3d, 3e, 4a, 4b.

How to Enroll in PIL Courses and Programs

  • To register online, LOGIN and click on “Event List” to find the PIL of your choice.
  • You may complete a PDF registration form by clicking on the link below.

Mail the downloaded registration form with a check made payable to PACTA to:

PO Box 243
Harrisburg, PA 17108-0243

Telephone: (717) 761-3381 •

NOTE: Participants from PACTA Institutional Member Schools receive a 10% discount. If you are not sure if your school is an institutional member of PACTA, contact Lori Bell at (717) 761-3381 or

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