New Director’s Academy – Part 2

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TARGET AUDIENCE: Administrative and Supervisory CTE Personnel

DATES/LOCATIONS: October 28, 2024 – Online Synchronous



PACTA’s New Director’s Academy, Part 2, is a 30-hour PIL for new Directors (less than five years of experience), current administrators aspiring to the Director’s position, or current Directors who desire a more in-depth understanding of best practices relating to CTE curriculum, and a desire to network with their peers. The course will be delivered through 14 contact hours via Zoom. The first and last sessions are 3-hour sessions, with eight one-hour Zoom sessions delivered over the course of the school year. Alternative assignments will be available for sessions participants are not able to attend. However, for the first and last sessions, attendance is mandatory unless arrangements are made with the PIL Facilitator in advance. As an outcome of the PIL, participants will:

  • Form a curriculum committee that illustrates the diversity of the teaching faculty. This committee can include other administrators and key stakeholders as may be deemed to be important participants in the curriculum development process. This will demonstrate the ability to build relationships, and positively impact school culture for the purpose of enhancing learning opportunities offered to students.
  • Create a Curriculum Plan with input from and collaborations with teachers, administrators, and key stakeholders (if included) that demonstrates rigorous and relevant curriculum aligned to Chapters 4 and 339, and business/industry expectations.

The following essential questions will be answered as an outcome of the PIL:

  • How does a school leader use their leadership study and personal characteristics to effectively communicate and ensure ownership for change from key stakeholders?
  • Who should be and how do you get others involved in changing school culture to focus on student achievement?
  • How do the Chapter 339 Vocational Educational Standards of the School Code set the parameters for rigorous and relevant written curriculum for each career and technical Program of Study?

How to Enroll in PIL Courses and Programs

  • To register online, LOGIN and click on “Event List” to find the PIL of your choice.
  • You may complete a PDF registration form by clicking on the link below.

Mail the downloaded registration form with a check made payable to PACTA to:

PO Box 243
Harrisburg, PA 17108-0243

Telephone: (717) 761-3381 •

NOTE: Participants from PACTA Institutional Member Schools receive a 10% discount. If you are not sure if your school is an institutional member of PACTA, contact Lori Bell at (717) 761-3381 or

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