2023 PA Cooperative Education Conference

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Strategies for Success in Work-Based Learning

Capstone Occupations ● Diversified Occupations ● Work-Based Learning ● Internships

In cooperation with the Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Administrators

The Pennsylvania Cooperative Education Association is proud to announce its annual conference, which is being held in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Administrators (PACTA). The conference will focus on best practices, safety, child labor and other relevant laws, technology, and communications as well as providing the latest information on cooperative education.

Session Topics

  • New Coordinator Session
  • Application Tracking System
  • Special Education and Cooperative Education
  • CTE Professional Development Centers
  • Work-Based Learning Lessons to Boost Student Morale
  • 339 Updates
  • Diversified Occupations Roundtable
  • On-line Forms and Procedures Roundtable

Conference Registration

Registration fee for participants is $235.00. Please register no later than October 6, 2023.

Registration fee for participants is $235.00. Please register no later than October 6, 2023.

To register complete the PDF registration form or login and register online.

Date and Location

The 2023 PA Cooperative Education Conference is being held on October 19-20, 2023 at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center in State College, PA. The registration desk will open at 8:30 a.m. on October 19, and the first conference session will begin at 9:15 a.m. The conference will end on October 20 at 12:00 p.m.

A block of rooms for workshop participants has been reserved at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center for the evenings of October 18 and 19. The rates are $124.00 single and/or double occupancy. Individuals are responsible for making reservations for hotel accommodations.

The group reservation identification number is COOP23A. Make your reservations by September 18, 2023. Reservations made after that date will be on an as available basis at regular rates. The telephone number for the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center is (800)-233-7505, email reservations@psu.edu, or make a reservation on-line at https://thepennstaterhotel.psu.edu.

For further information, contact Lori Bell (717) 761-3381 or lori@pacareertech.org.

Workshop participants will be awarded Act 48 credit.

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